The Beer Night Barrel Beer Night #21 Photo Gallery
February 18, 2006



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Here's a window into yet another great Beer Night.

Photos are by Brad F, unless otherwise indicated.


Beer Night 21

Dave KY does a bad job masking his incredulity at the outrageous claims of a fellow Beer Nighter.


Beer Night 21

Henry L, Devin, Tony G, and Stephen M are caught in a Boyds-eye-view.
photo: Jon B


Beer Night 21

derek b listens respectfully to Linc A's ideas.


Beer Night 21

Hey, that's not beer! It's our first-ever tequila Blindfold Taste Test.


Beer Night 21

Dave F proves he can drink Sapporo and read the can at the same time.


Beer Night 21

Two charter members of Beer Night, Jon B and Andy D, don't even realize Brad is taking a snap.


Beer Night 21

By the end of the night, we had three professional chefs commandeering the kitchen to create full-fledged feast. Here, Tim I puts the finishing touches on his sautéed pear in balsamic vinegar with cream.
photo: Jon B


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